
【第86回】東文研・ASNET共催セミナー「“自存”と“統合”のあいだで―カンボジア資本主義の近現代史/The Tension between Self-sufficiency and Integration in Cambodia’s Modern History」のご案内


【日時 / Date】 2月6日(木) 17:00-18:00 / February 6 (Thu), 17:00-18:00

【会場 / Venue】 東京大学 東洋文化研究所 1階 ロビー / Ground Floor in IASA(Tobunken) 

【報告者 / Speaker】 アンドリュー・コック氏 Andrew Cock(日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員 Research Fellow, JSPS)

【題名 / Title】 “自存”と“統合”のあいだで―カンボジア資本主義の近現代史 / The Tension between Self-sufficiency and Integration in Cambodia’s Modern History

【要旨 / Abstract】

The presentation undertakes a brief survey of Cambodian capitalism since the establishment of the French protectorate in the early 1860s so as to highlight some long-standing aims and practices of government. I put forward two central claims. The first is that land concessions have played a significant role in the evolution of the system of capitalism during the past 150 years. The second is that these concessions enshrine an enduring, sometimes active and sometimes latent desire by the elite for a particular type of autarky in the context of their practical imperative to benefit from economic and political ties that transcend Cambodia’s boundaries. This tension between “self-sufficiency” and “integration” continues to shape the distinctive and quite peculiar character of Cambodia’s political economy.


電話/tel : 03-5841-5868
e-mail: asnet[at]

登録者 :後藤・藤岡
掲載期間:20140131 - 20140206
当日期間:20140206 - 20140206