


当研究所が今年度新たに交流協定を締結したナポリ東洋大学で、森本一夫准教授が12月5日(月)に講演を行いました。How to Behave toward Sayyids and Sharifs: A Trans-sectarian Tradition of Dream Accountsと題されたこの講演で、森本准教授は、自身が提唱するサイイド・シャリーフ研究の概要を示し、その上で同研究分野における自身の最新の研究成果を報告しました。森本准教授は12月3日から7日までの5日間のナポリ滞在中、ホスト役のMichele Bernardini准教授をはじめとするナポリ東洋大学のスタッフと今後の交流について話し合い、図書館をはじめとする同大学の研究資源の調査を行いました。なお、2月後半には同じ協定にもとづくBernardini准教授の当研究所訪問が予定されています。


Morimoto's visit and lecture at UNIOR

On December 5 (Mon) Professor Kazuo Morimoto gave a lecture at the Universita degli Studi di Napoli, l’Orientali (UNIOR), Tobunken’s new partner in Italy on account of the exchange agreement the two institutions signed in the current academic year. In the first part of the lecture, entitled “How to Behave toward Sayyids and Sharifs: A Trans-sectarian Tradition of Dream Accounts,” Morimoto presented the contour and aims of “sayyido-sharifology” he advocates. He then proceeded to discuss the findings of the most recent study he has conducted in the mentioned subject. During his five-day stay at Napoli from December 3 to 7, Morimoto discussed different possibilities of future cooperation between the two institutions with the staffs of the UNIOR, especially with Professor Michele Bernardini, and inspected the resources available at the mentioned university. After Morimoto’s visit to Naples, it is planned that Professor Bernardini will visit the Tobunken in late February.

登録者 :森本・藤岡
掲載期間:20111209 - 20120309
当日期間:20111205 - 20111205