
Michael Willis博士講演会 'Bodhgaya and the British Museum: New Discoveries from Old Finds', 'Early Buddhism in the Landscape of Central India' のお知らせ

このたび、Michael Willis博士(大英博物館)をお迎えして講演会を開催いたします。Willis博士は5世紀~13世紀の北インドの文化史・政治史・宗教史がご専門ですが、中央アジアの初期寺院建築・碑文資料の研究にも深い造詣をお持ちです。また、大英博物館などが所蔵する仏教美術関連資料のカタログも作成しています。とりわけ2014年以降は、グプタ朝の歴史と文化を対象とした欧州の大型プロジェクト(ERC SYNERGY PROJECT No. 609823)の代表者を務めるとともに、アジア碑文資料データベース(SIDDHAM)も公表してきました。近年では、グプタ朝期の寺院建築と土地所有制度の研究も進めています。




主催:2019年度日本学術振興会外国人招へい研究者(短期)「インド仏教の美術・碑文資料に関する研究」(受入研究者:三重大学 久間泰賢)
















連絡先:古井龍介(東京大学東洋文化研究所)E-mail: furui[at]




【第一講演】Bodhgaya and the British Museum: New Discoveries from Old Finds

 Bodhgaya—the site of the Buddha’s enlightenment—was excavated and restored by Alexander Cunningham in the nineteenth century. His collections came to the British Museum in several parts from 1887. In addition to antiquities and coins, the British Museum received his photographic archive, an extensive collection of over 100 items. This material yields many new discoveries about the development of Bodhgaya and the history of Buddhism. (Research funded by ERC SYNERGY PROJECT No. 609823)


【第二講演】Early Buddhism in the Landscape of Central India

 This presentation is concerned with the social, political and agrarian transformations that accompanied the spread and expansion of Buddhism in India during the early historic period (300 BC to 300 CE). The approach draws on a number of areas: (1) Buddhist studies, including monasticism and the relic cult, (2) the history of medicine and medical theory in India, (3) geography, paleo-botany and hydrology, (4) archaeology, art and epigraphy, (4) theories of historical and religious change in south Asia. These subjects are seldom considered together and the main challenge of current research programme was to combine them to produce a compelling historical analysis.

 A number of conclusions have been reached. To summarise: (1) that the appearance of Buddhism (and its relic cult) coincided with the building of a hydrological system that radically changed both agrarian production and the environment, (2) that Buddhism was instrumental in this change because its programme of moral reform redirected large parts of the population to new forms of production, principally the cultivation of rice paddy, (3) that the ideological underpinning of these changes can be understood from the theories of biogeography and physiology contained in early Sanskrit medical treatises, (4) that a new social class of landed farmers were important instruments in the process, functioning both as constituents in a new polity and lay-supporters of Buddhism, (5) that an understanding of the early Indian calendar and the Buddhist monastic year were crucial for showing how the new system spread across the countryside and displaced older social and cultural orders. (Research funded by ERC SYNERGY PROJECT No. 609823)


登録者 :古井龍介
掲載期間:20190426 - 20190522
当日期間:20190522 - 20190522