

题目: The strategy of the poor to protect their life in Bangladesh
时间: 2015年5月14日(周四)17:00-18:00
地点: 东京大学东洋文化研究所1楼门厅
报告者: 石坂贵美(东京大学大学院 综合文化研究科 博士课程)
内容提要: In developing countries, people have more risk to fall into poverty when they have shocks such as illness or disaster. This is because in developing countries the social security system provided by the government is not sufficient. And especially the poor is more exposed to risks. This presentation provides the survey result of micro health insurance provided by a microfinance institution in Bangladesh. The presentation also aims to make an attempt to discuss the possibility of building an improved safety net with mutual help, for example with the activities of a producers association, saving group, and rice bank, which have been created there by the people themselves.
参加方法: 不需事先报名
询问处: 日本•亚洲教育研究网络(ASNET: Network for Education and Research on Asia)


题目: The strategy of the poor to protect their life in Bangladesh

时间: 2015年5月14日(周四)17:00-18:00

地点: 东京大学东洋文化研究所1楼门厅

报告者: 石坂贵美(东京大学大学院 综合文化研究科 博士课程)


内容提要: In developing countries, people have more risk to fall into poverty when they have shocks such as illness or disaster.This is because in developing countries the social security system provided by the government is not sufficient. And especially the poor is more exposed to risks. This presentation provides the survey result of micro health insurance provided by a microfinance institution in Bangladesh.The presentation also aims to make an attempt to discuss the possibility of building an improved safety net with mutual help, for example with the activities of a producers association, saving group, and rice bank, which have been created there by the people themselves.


参加方法: 不需事先报名

询问处: 日本•亚洲教育研究网络(ASNET: Network for Education and Research on Asia) 
