
题目: 从小事件看大问题-外交史的可能性

时间: 2013年6月13日(周四)17:00-18:00

地点: 东京大学东洋文化研究所1楼门厅

报告者: Birgit Tremml (日本学术振兴会·外国人特别研究员)



The fact that early modern Japanese rulers seemed to adapt easily to Western diplomatic practices and therefore became the first East Asian state to develop inter pares relations with foreign nations, while the country itself has been considered an odd player in the Middle Kingdom world order, puzzles historians.

When asking which circumstances led to applied hybrid diplomatic practices, focusing on “big structures, large processes and huge comparisons” proves insufficient; in order to meaningfully integrate intercultural diplomatic relations into global historical research we have to combine macro-level connections with the diversity on the micro level. An actor-based approach that systematically analyses individual agency within the bigger picture of diplomacy, power relations and foreign trade promises more insights than loosely linked case studies.

The fact that early modern Japanese rulers seemed to adapt easily to Western diplomatic practices and therefore became the first East Asian state to develop inter pares relations with foreign nations, while the country itself has been considered an odd player in the Middle Kingdom world order, puzzles historians.

The fact that early modern Japanese rulers seemed to adapt easily to Western diplomatic practices and therefore became the first East Asian state to develop inter pares relations with foreign nations, while the country itself has been considered an odd player in the Middle Kingdom world order, puzzles historians.

When asking which circumstances led to applied hybrid diplomatic practices, focusing on “big structures, large processes and huge comparisons” proves insufficient; in order to meaningfully integrate intercultural diplomatic relations into global historical research we have to combine macro-level connections with the diversity on the micro level. An actor-based approach that systematically analyses individual agency within the bigger picture of diplomacy, power relations and foreign trade promises more insights than loosely linked case studies.

参加方法: 不需事先报名

询问处: 日本·亚洲教育研究网络(ASNET: Network for Education and Research on Asia)
