
题目: " The Logic and the Categories of the Welfare State: Analyzing the support system for the relative care takers in Finland."

时间: 2012年11月22日(周四)16:30-17:30

地点: 东京大学东洋文化研究所3F大会议室

报告者: 高桥绘里香Erika TAKAHASHI (日本学术振兴会JSPS Research Fellow)



Being known as a member of the Nordic welfare states, Finland has recently started the municipal support system for the informal relative care takers. With the state responsibility to take care of elderly people, the support system visualized the informal care takers and indicated the ambiguity of the notion of a family, support and rights. This presentation is to examine the border between the care and the support of the elderly people from the field experience in a municipality in Southwest Finland.

参加方法: 不需事先报名

询问处: 日本·亚洲教育研究网络(ASNET: Network for Education and Research on Asia) TEL:03-5841-5868 E-mail: asnet[at]