东文研定例研究会 (Associate Prof. Hyun Sun Lee)

时间:: 2012年7月12日(周四) 14:00〜16:00

地点: 东京大学东洋文化研究所 三楼 大会议室

报告者: 李 贤鲜 Hyun Sun Lee (东洋文化研究所 准教授)

主持人: 菅 丰 (东洋文化研究所 教授)

题目: Migrants' acculturation and welfare state

使用语言: 英语、日语

概要 / Abstract:
Using an ethnographic methodology, I demonstrate that the zainichi non-profit welfare organization argued for the importance of and the need for special care services designed specifically for the zainichi elderly. Nonetheless, some practicalities in providing care emphasising Korean cultural elements were lacking; and rather the normative idea of maintaining Korean ethnicity and the longstanding ethnic tensions between the Japanese and Chongryun communities provided the initial impetus. The transition occurred due to the interaction of three different components: Japanese state policies, the ethnic Chongryrun elite, and the rank and file within the Chongryun community. The Japanese state’s response to ageing demographics and the increasing demands for a robust civil society changed public policies, the unintended consequence of which was enhanced ethnic resilience and integration into Japanese society. The accumulated grievances of ethnic inequality, and the fear of ethnic assimilation combined with the perception of the Chongryun organisation lagging in its adaptation to the changing zainichi public, mobilised the ethnic elite to embrace the newly-styled ethnic movement. The findings show that the zainichi organisation (or the Chongryun community as a whole) is in its transitional stage from its long-standing separation acculturation strategy of Chongryun community to integration with Japanese society.