
时间:   2012年6月7日(周四)17:00-18:00

地点:   东京大学东洋文化研究所1楼门厅

报告者:   BEAUD Sylvie
(Doctorante en ethnologie, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre–La Défense, Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative (UMR 7186, CNRS), Research fellow, Institut de recherche de la Maison franco-japonaise (Tokyo))

语言::   英语

参加方法:   不需事先报名。

内容提要:   The inhabitants of Yangzong, in Yunnan province, while belonging to the Han ethnic majority, are often questioned on their ethnicity. The local women’s clothes indeed tend to make them look like one of the numerous ethnic minority groups. However, the villagers regularly claim their identity as Han by acting out a masked opera on the New Year festival. This masked practice, named after the deified character of Guan Suo, became one of their emblems referred to by the locals as well as the authorities, which labeled it “national intangible cultural heritage” in 2010. Despite a shared view on the cultural value of this emblem, the different protagonists differ in interpreting it: while the promotion of the Guan Suo Opera as a “living fossil” of the Chinese culture is part of the official nationalist discourse, the Yangzong people consider the ritual opera as a way to transmit their history and to lay claim their identity as Han. Relying on these different discourses, I will examine the way in which the representations of identity are built and coexist as two means to reconstruct the past and to think the future.

询问处:   日本·亚洲教育研究网络(ASNET: Network for Education and Research on Asia)
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