东文研学术研究会 Interpreting “Those in Authority”: The Hermeneutics of Medieval Qurʾānic Commentary

时间:   2012年5月23日(周三) 12:15-13:45 (自带午饭)

地点:   东京大学 东洋文化研究3楼 第二会议室

参加方法:   不需事先报名。

报告者:   Jennifer Thea Gordon (东洋文化研究所访问研究员, P h.D. Candidate, Harvard University)

题目:   Interpreting “Those in Authority”: The Hermeneutics of Medieval Qurʾānic Commentary

内容提要:   This paper examines Twelver Shīʻa exegesis on the fifty-ninth verse of the fourth sura of the Qurʾān, which reads “O you who believe, obey God, and obey His Messenger, and those in authority among you,” focusing on different interpretations of the phrase “those in authority among you.” By comparing commentary on this phrase with the same authors’ writings on government in other genres, differences emerge that increase our understanding of the nature of tafsīr and its uses. While works such as Sharīf al- Murtaḍā’s Treatise on the Legality of Working for the Government and Shaykh al-Ṭūsī’s al-Nihayah reflect a willingness to accept and work within the contemporary political sphere, their Qurʾānic commentaries emphasize the importance of not obeying any authority, unless that authority is immune from sin. Tafsīr reveals Twelver Shīʻa exegetes at their least censored and most idealistic, giving us greater insight into medieval Twelver Shīʻa hermeneutics.

使用语言:   英语