ASNET -東京大学 日本・アジアに関する教育研究ネットワーク--



【第164回】What does China Want in the South China Sea and How will it Affect Japan’s Interests?

  • Seminar
  • 共催セミナー


日時/Date 2017年4月6日(木) 17:00-18:30
April 6 (Thu), 5:00-6:30 p.m.
会場/Venue 東京大学 東洋文化研究所 1階 ロビー
Ground Floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo
報告者/Speaker Bill Hayton (BBC Correspondent; Associate Fellow, The Royal Institute of International Affairs)
題名/Title What does China Want in the South China Sea and How will it Affect Japan’s Interests?
コメンテーター /Commentator 額定其労氏(東京大学 東洋文化研究所・准教授)
Khohchahar E. Chuluu (Associate Professor, IASA, The University of Tokyo)
要旨Abstract What are China’s objectives in the South China Sea? Most international analysis answers this question by focusing on the traditional concerns of Western governments and international relations theorists: strategic issues such as freedom of navigation, the balance of power and the rules-based international order. However, statements and documents from Chinese officials display a different set of priorities – the most important being territory. China approaches the disputes with a particular historical narrative. This narrative is at odds with historical evidence now available but still generates a potent sense of entitlement to the rocks, reefs and waters of the South China Sea. Resolving the disputes will require challenging this territorial narrative.
使用言語/Language 英語/English