ASNET -東京大学 日本・アジアに関する教育研究ネットワーク--


【第103回】 バイリンガル児童のことば―ウルドゥー語引用のリアル/ Quoting in Urdu: Bilingual conversation of Pakistani children in Japan

  • 共催セミナー


【日時 / Date】  
2014年10月30日(木) 17:00-18:00
Oct 30, 2014 (Thu) 5:00-6:00 p.m.

【会場 / Venue】  
東京大学 東洋文化研究所 1階 ロビー
Ground Floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo

山下里香 氏 (日本学術振興会 特別研究員)

【題名 / Title】  
Quoting in Urdu: Bilingual conversation of Pakistani children in Japan

【要旨 / Abstract】


What makes bilingual speakers switch between languages in a conversation? Many non-Japanese children who attend state schools in Japan are said to be dominant speakers of Japanese, and speak less of their parents’ heritage language. Such is also the case with the bilingual Pakistani children who gather in a mosque classroom in Kanto area. However, the Pakistani children do occasionally use Urdu, especially in quotations. Quoting in Urdu not only has on-spot pragmatic functions in conversation, but is also part of the larger process of their reaffirmation of social relationships with their peers and the older generation. This presentation will give turn-by-turn analyses of conversational episodes, which offer us a peek into the everyday experience as migrant Muslim children in Japan.

名和克郎 氏 (東京大学 東洋文化研究所 教授)
Katsuo Nawa (Professor, The University of Tokyo)

 The lecture will be in Japanese, but English handouts are also available.