ASNET -東京大学 日本・アジアに関する教育研究ネットワーク--


【第129回】 [GJS主催] 第一次世界大戦下の海事政策―日本の戦時船舶管理令を事例に/ Managing Turbulent Seas: Japan’s 1917 Wartime Shipping Control Order

  • 共催セミナー


【日時 / Date】  
2015年 11月 12日(木) 17:00-18:00
Nov 12 (Thu), 2015, 5:00-6:00 p.m.

【会場 / Venue】  
東京大学 東洋文化研究所 1階 ロビー
Ground Floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo

Elijah J. Greenstein (Visiting Researcher at IASAof Univ. of Tokyo)

【題名 / Title】  
Managing Turbulent Seas: Japan’s 1917 Wartime Shipping Control Order

【要旨 / Abstract】

The First World War created unprecedented opportunities for Japanese shipping. German ships were detained in foreign ports or bottled up in home waters by the British navy, while London diverted the British Empire’s massive merchant marine to the war trade. Severe shortages of tonnage resulted, and as charter and freight rates soared, Japanese shipowners dispatched ships around the world in pursuit of profits. As those ships were increasingly chartered out to foreign states and businesses, however, undelivered cargo accumulated in Japan’s ports. In order to adjust the distribution of Japanese tonnage, the government issued the Wartime Shipping Control Order in September 1917, through which the Ministry of Communications asserted wide-ranging authority over charters, freight rates, and voyages. This presentation takes that shipping control order as a starting point from which to explore the significance of WWI for Japan’s shipping industry.

※ 報告は英語で行われます。
  The seminar will be held in Engslish.