ASNET -東京大学 日本・アジアに関する教育研究ネットワーク--


国際プロジェクトのケーススタディE / E Case Studies of International Project

加藤浩徳・小松崎俊作・森川想/Hironori Kato, Shunsaku Komatsuzaki, Sou Morikawa


授業の目標・概要/Course Objectives/Overview

   We civil engineers are involved not only in construction of infrastructure but also in solving a variety of social problems. For example, the Great East Japan Earthquake set a new task to build new embankments along the Sanriku Coast. It is not a purely technical issue but a social one as social acceptance would be necessary to build those embankments. Even experts of structural mechanics cannot avoid or ignore it. The same thing can be said to international project; for example, Kotopanjang Dam project in Indonesia caused a strong public opposition, which was actually evoked by NGO, and ended in court. You, as future civil engineers, must have competencies to deal with such various aspects of international project.
   Students are expected to learn the skills of problem solving (analysis, evaluation and forecast) and solution design and the professional knowledge of international project through case method in this course.

科目番号/Course ID Number 3713-118
分野/Field 社会技術論
単位/Credit 2
場所/Venue 工1号館 工17号講義室
授業時間/Semester/Time S2
月曜2限、木曜2限 Mon. 2nd & Thu. 2nd
使用言語/Language 英語 English
授業予定/Schedule 1. June 4th, Introduction (Prof. Kato)
2. June 8th, Case 1 (Prof. Kato)
3. June 11th, Case 1 (Prof. Kato)
4. June 15th, Case 1 (Prof. Kato)
5. June 18th, Case 2 (Dr. Komatsuzaki)
6. June 22nd, Case 3 (Dr. Onga)
7. June 25th, Case 2 (Dr. Komatsuzaki)
8. June 29th, Case 3 (Dr. Onga)
9. July 2nd, Case 4 (Dr. Seetha Ram)
10.July 6th, Case 4 (Dr. Seetha Ram)
11.July 9th, Case 3 (Dr. Onga)
12.July 13th, Case 5 (Dr. Morikawa)
13.July 16th, Case 5 (Dr. Morikawa)
(Reserved date 14. July 20th)
履修上の注意/Notes on Taking the Course 実践力をつける
参考書/Books for Reference
授業の方法/Teaching Methods
成績評価方法/Method of Evaluation Attendance 30% and Contribution in each case 70%
Withdrawal means “Failed” in this course.
実務経験と授業科目の関連性 (財)運輸政策研究機構や国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構における勤務経験を有する教員に加え,Googleにおける勤務経験を有する恩賀万理恵を非常勤講師として迎え,実務経験を活かして国際プロジェクトの事例分析について講義する.