ASNET -東京大学 日本・アジアに関する教育研究ネットワーク--


東南アジアにおける教育と社会 / Education and Society in Southeast Asia(アジア太平洋文化交流論I)

岡田泰平/Taihei Okada


授業の目標・概要/Course Objectives/Overview

(English follows)
本授業においては、輪読と個別発表を行う。輪読するものは、以下のホームページ(授業内容(COURSES)―ゼミ 2020)に示す論文である。今学期は、広い意味での教育がどのような社会を作りだそうとしたのか、という観点から東南アジアの様々な社会についての考察を深めたい。主なテーマとしては、以下のものを考えている。
Throughout this course, each student is expected to present a reading material by writing up and handing out the outline of an assigned reading(s) and give an individual presentation on his own research at least once each. The reading materials will be selected from the following website (course – seminar 2020). In this semester, we will further our understanding on the Southeast Asian societies by reading articles on social history of education. Following are the concerned topics:
– Religious education in the pre-modern period, informal education
– Colonial education and its ideology
– Nationalism and education
– Multilingualism and its effects on formal education
– Education of ethnic minorities
– Education and development
– Women’s education
This course uses social history as a main approach to the above-mentioned topic. Rather that focusing on the effectiveness of education, my interest is more longue durée and historical and rests on why certain values were taught, how and by whom they were taught and what identities were born out of this education.

科目番号/Course ID Number 31M220-0970S
分野/Field 総論
単位/Credit 2
場所/Venue 駒場14号館 605号室
授業時間/Semester/Time S1S2
月曜5限 Mon. 5th
使用言語/Language 日本語、英語 Japanese and English
授業予定/Schedule 近年、英語プログラムの学生を指導することが多くなり、今年は授業内の言語をあらかじめ設定してみたいと思う。学生の語学能力にもよるが、3回に一度は授業用語を英語にしたい。なお、日本語授業であっても、英語文献の輪読もある。なお、授業は17:00~19:30を予定している。日本語を理解できずに日本語授業に出ない学生であっても、実際の授業時間と個人面談で13回分の授業時間は確保するようにする。逆に英語授業に関心がない学生も同様の措置を取る。
Recently, I often advise students from the English programs and, for this year, I decided to designate the language of classroom discussion. Depending on how many English-dominant students are enrolled as well as the total number of the participants (not the same as the total enrollment), I am planning to designate English to every third class. The classes will be held from 17:00 to 19:30. I am planning to fulfill two-credits worth of classroom hours even for those who only attend the English classes by their attendance and one-on-one meetings with me. As for those who only attend the Japanese language classes, I hope to do the same.
履修上の注意/Notes on Taking the Course 受講者は特段東南アジアを専門にする必要はない。ただ、輪読と個人発表を課すので、とりわけ自分自身の学術的関心に本授業が役立つことを望みたい。
The students do not have to be specialized in Southeast Asian studies. I simply hope that this class will develop and deepen the student’s own academic interest.
教科書/Textbooks なし
参考書/Books for Reference ホームページ上、授業中に示す。
References will be listed on the website. I will also show them in the class.
授業の方法/Teaching Methods 基本的には、発表者を定め、輪読文献はすべての受講者が読み、担当者はレジュメを切り、自らの研究関心に引きつけて読解するという
Basically, we have one or two presenters and every participant is expected to have done the assigned readings. They should cultivate their own academic interest by picking appropriate readings and presenting them.
成績評価方法/Method of Evaluation 輪読と個人発表。
Presentations on readings and on his own academic interest.
その他/Others 様々な言語的背景を持ち、多様な地域・ディシプリンに関心のある学生を歓迎する。ただ、基本的には社会史の授業なので、あまり実践的とは言えないと思う。
I welcome students with diverse linguistic backgrounds, who have different areas in focus (so that we can compare) and who use different disciplinary approaches. However, given that I am interested in social history, this class is not oriented towards practical training and will not provide easy solutions.