機密文書研究会 東京大学・法学部・北岡伸一研究室

[文書名] 沖縄返還問題に関する愛知大臣・マイヤー米大使会談

[年月日] 1969年7月17日
[出典] 外務省,いわゆる「密約」問題に関する調査報告対象文書(2.1960年1月の安保条約改定時の朝鮮半島有事の際の戦闘作戦行動に関する「密約」問題関連),文書2−5
[備考] いわゆる「密約」問題に関する調査報告の際に公開された文書。公開されたものは外務省罫紙に本文は手書きによる文書、別添はタイプによる文書。漢字、送りがなの用法、誤記と思われるものも含めてできるだけ忠実にテキスト化した。欄外の書き込みの記録は本文前に記載しオリジナルの記載箇所を<>内に記した。

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(イ)大臣、大使ともに本文書は口頭発言とすべきものを正確を期に書いたもので、将来議事録等の内容とする意図はなく、OFFICIAL STANDINGもなく、将来公表する性質のものでないことに意見一致した。






大使より見解文書のⅡの「しかしながら」以降は興味ありとして日本側のコメントを求めたのに対し、大臣より私見なりとして(イ)韓国領土空海内の米軍への攻撃{前1文字旧字体}と右のそとでのプエプロ号EC121事件とは性質が異り、日本側は常にYESなりと書くのは行過ぎと思うこと(ロ)後者の事例をカバーする為、非常に率直に言ってSEARCH AND RESCUEという名目なら自由使用と実質的に同じであろうこと(ハ)「自衛権発動としての米軍の行動」云々のくだりについては、これ以上書かなくても当方の意図は明らかなるべきこと(ニ)(大使の「領海外でもか」との問に答え)「事態が両国共通の安全保障上の利益に影響を及ぼす・・・と認められ」る場合は然りといえること(ホ)(大使の「事前協議がなくてもか」との問に答え)事前協議は要するが、見解文書Ⅲ末尾の「日本政府の回答が・・・であろうことは容易に想像されるところであろう」とあるのと同様、米側が日本のPOSITIONを了知しこれ以上多言を要しない意味なること、(へ)法的には主権国家のDECISION-MAKINGの権利を奪うこととなる様な「あらかじめYES」と言わせなくても、米国にはASSUREされるべきこと、を挙げた。




大使より次の例を考えてみたい、即ち公海上米軍の電子偵察機が同じく米軍のF4E戦斗機の護衛付で飛行中共産側のMIG戦斗機に襲撃{前1文字旧字体}された場合、右F4Eはたとえ日本本土や(復帰後の)沖縄の基地に配属されそこから発進したものであつてもMIGの攻撃{前1文字旧字体}を防ぐ権利があると思うが、如何と質問。大臣より右の如きはCASE BY CASEに判断すべきことではあるが、事態が一両国の共同の安全に対する脅威であると認識されゝば直ちにこれに対処する行動が取られることとなろうと述べたところ、大使はしかしそれでは事前協議で總理を呼び出している時間的余裕が無いとコメントした。

















 大臣の質問に答え大使より(イ)本日の如き会談、(ロ)貴大臣・本使が自邸等でPRIVATEに行なうtete a tete、及び(ハ)双方の代理者の会談の3方法が考えられると述べたので、大臣よりこれらの混合として、事務レベル(日本側は東郷局長)で目につかぬ会談を3回位やったら1回は貴使・本大臣がPRIVATEに会うのが最も実益あるべく、米側も代理者を指定されたら、と発言、大使より自分自ら東郷局長に会うこともあるべし、なお、スナイダー氏が着任すれば主として同氏がその任に当ろう、来週あたり事務的に打合せてから会談してみたい、と述べた。大臣よりこれに同意しつゝ見解文書の細部につき少しでも早く当方の意図につき説明せしめたい、として会談を了した。

<16ページ目 欄外上>

極秘無期限 12部の内12号{前14文字スタンプ}



(July 16, 1969)

I. Certain promises on which the joint communique is drafted

(1) With regard to the question of U.S. military bases in Okinawa after reversion, the Japanese Government lays special emphasis on the following points:

(a) The question must be dealt with within the framework of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty and its existing related arrangements. Accordingly, there should be no special arrangement requiring Diet approval on the part of Japan.

(b) A confidential arrangement between the two countries would not be appropriate nor should it be required in dealing with the question.

(2) With regard to the prior consultation system as provided for in the Exchange of Notes concerning the implementation of Article Ⅵ of the Security Treaty, the considered opinion of the Japanese Government on its executive powers vis-à-vis the Diet may be summarized us following:

(a) A situation requirs prior consultation, by its vary nature, compels the Japanese Government to take a policy decision of utmost importance, which involves Japan's overriding national interest concerning the nation's own security. In the view of the Japanese Government, such a decision can be made only on the basis of individual concrete cases. Thus, should the Government make external commitments in advance as to the position it might take on certain hypothetical cases of prior consultation, without considering all the relevant factors some of which are difficult to foresee or define, it would be tantamount to renouncing, as far as such hypothetical cases are concerned, the right of final judgement reserved by the Japanese Government under the terms of the Exchange of Notes. This cannot be done without a special arrangement requiring Diet approval.

(b) On the other hand, so long as the right of final judgement is reserved, it is within the normal executive powers of the Government to state its evaluation or recognition of certain situations which it envisages, without seeking Diet approval.

Replies given by the Government to the Diet on various occasions in the past in relation to the prior consultation system have always been based on the foregoing basic principles.

Paragraph 2 of the draft communique refers to the recognition of the Japanese Government of the fact that the security of countries in the Far East has a special bearing on the security of Japan and goes on to state that "in the light of such recognition ..... the reversion ..... should be compatible with effective discharge of the international obligations assumed by the United States for the defence of countries in the Far East." Furthermore, the paper containing a statement on the position of the Japanese Government concerning Korea, attached to the draft communique, (hereinafter referred to as the statement on Korea) states that"(an armed attack against the Republic of Korea) would seriously affect the security of Japan" and "such recognition would form the basis on which the Government of Japan would determine its position vis-à-vis prior consultation....." The language is meant to be the clearest possible expression of the position of the Japanese Government, as an exercise of its executive powers within the constitutional limitations referred to in (a) and (b) above, in order to dispel the concern that U.S. interest in carrying out the international obligations might be adversely affected by the reversion. It is also intended to prevent any third party from mistakenly assuming that the Japanese Government wishes to impose undue restrictions through the prior consultation system on the use of basis in Japan, including Okinawa after reversion, by U.S. forces for military combat operations essential to the defense of countries in the Far East.

(3) The statement on Korea was not drafted as a part of the joint communique but was intended as a declaration by those responsible in the Government, to be addressed to the Japanese public through the Diet or ant other appropriate channel. The recognition of the Japanese Government of the special significance of the security of countries in the Far East in relation to Japan's own security, stated in the draft communique, does encompass a situation in which an armed attack is launched against the Republic of Korea. Yet, separate and specific reference to Korea was considered desirable because of the need to make the position of the Japanese Government unmistakably clear to any potential aggressor against the Republic of Korea in view of the mutual advantage in reaching a public understanding between the two countries which would effectively replace the Understanding of 1960. To incorporate the reference into the joint communique, however, would create an impression as if U.S. commitments to the defence of other countries in the Far East were less substantiated than in the case of the Republic of Korea - an impression which not only may have undesirable effects on the friendly relations of Japan and the U.S. with these countries but may invite a miscalculation of the intention of the free world with respect to their defence.

II. On point II. A. in the U.S. paper

The term "armed attack" is used with the same meaning as in Article 51 of the U.N. Charter and also in the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, i.e., organized and premeditated use of force by any country, including the North Korean regime, against the Republic of Korea. Thus, the term as appears in the statement on Korea encompasses the situation envisaged in the Understanding of 1960, while such North Korean action as taken against the Pueblo and EC-121, by itself, does not fall within the definition of "an armed attack against the Republic of Korea."

However, as to the latter category of action, search and rescue operations to be undertaken from Japan by U.S. forces will not be regarded as military combat operations. Also, should the situation be considered an armed attack against the U.S. involving the common security interest of both countries, and should U.S. action be required as an exercise of the right of self-defence to meet such attack, it would be only natural for the Japanese Government to take a position consistent with the mutual interest provided that the principle of prior consultation is maintained.

III. On point II.B.

In view of what has been stated in paragraph I.(2)(a) above, it is not within the executive powers of the Japanese Government to dispense with the prior consultation system in case of an armed attack against the Republic of Korea.

Nevertheless, since the position of the Japanese Government Vis-à-vis prior consultation will be based on the "recognition" stated in paragraph 2 of the draft communique, which encompasses the "basic recognition" in the statement on Korea, it should not be too difficult to anticipate the Japanese reply to be in line with the assumption of the U.S. Government.

IV. On point II.C.

The statement on Korea encompasses the situation envisaged in the Understanding of 1960, though, to be precise, the former, covering situation of lesser urgency, is wider in scope than the latter. The Japanese Government is prepared to co-operate fully with the U.S. Government on ways and means to carry out speedy prior consultation, so that the requlrement to maintain the prior consultation system under all circumstances can be compatible with the need for effective military action.Thus, it is proposed that the Understanding of 1960 be treated as having been replaced.

V. On point II. D.

(1) The premises of the language of paragraph 2 of the draft communique have already been elaborated upon in paragraph I. (2) above. It is the view of the Japanese Government that the existence of the prior consultation system as such, with its proper operation, should not constitute restriction on the use of bases in Japan by U.S. forces for military combat operations essential to the defense of countries in the Far East. It is further considered that prior consultation may be carried out in a smooth manner if preceded by close consultations under Article IV of the Security Treaty.

(2) The safety of U.S. forces stationed in the Far East, who bear the main burden of maintaining peace and security in the area, is obviously not a matter of small concern for the Japanese Government, It may be recalled, however, that Article IV of the Security Treaty defines the purpose for which military bases in Japan may be used as "contributing to the security of Japan and the maintainance of international Peace and security in the Far East." The Treaty is not built upon such a concept as "U.S. forces wherever stationed in the Far East "; nor has the Japanese Government given any statement to the Diet in terms of such concept. In any case, it is legally impossible for the Government to give prior consent to any specific type of military combat operations.

VI. On Point II. E.

As stated in paragraph 2 of the draft communique, the security of Taiwan is a matter of serious concern for the Government of Japan. As a matter of fact, however, an armed attack against Taiwan, which is only possible with direct confrontation between the U.S. and Communist China, is considered less likely to occur than one against the Republic of Korea.

VII. On point II. F.

The term "Far East" in the draft communique is used with the same meaning as it appears in the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. The Japanese Government, with the understanding of the U.S. Government, submitted to the Diet on February 23, 1960, the official definition of the term as used in the Treaty. According to this definition, Viet Nam is not included in the "Far East", but is considered to be covered by its "surrounding areas."

It may be recalled in this connection that the official Definition clarified the term "surrounding areas" in relation to U.S. action under the Treaty in the following terms:

"The scope of U.S. action to be undertaken in case an armed attack is launched against the area(the Far East) or the security of the area is threatened by situations arising in surrounding areas, depends on the nature of the attack or the threat and will not necessarily be confined to the said area."

It may be further added that, as stated in the official definition, "if such U.S. action involves military combat operations, the use of facilities in Japan for the operation will naturally require prior consultation with the Government of Japan," while the use of the facilities for logistic activities will not be subject to prior consultation.

<26ページ目 欄外上>

極秘 まで 8部の●{前1文字  解読不能}3号{前10文字スタンプ}

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一 共同声明案の前提

(1) 返還後の沖縄における米軍基地の問題に関し、日本政府が特に重視している点は、次のとおりである。

(a) 本件は、日米安保条約及び現行の関連諸取極のわく内で処理されるべきこと。したがつて、日米間において、国会の承認を要する特別の取極を必要としないこと

(b) 本件のために、日米間において秘密取極を行なうことは、適当な処理とは考えられず、また、その必要もないこと

(2) 第六条の実施に関する交換公文に定める事前協議についての日本の行政府と国会との関係に関する日本政府のconsidered opinionは、要約すれば次のとおりであり、るい次の国会における政府答弁もこの見解に基づいてなされている。

(a) 事前協議が行なわれる事態とは、日本にとつては、とりもなおさず、自国の安全に関する重大な国家利益を左右する政策決定を要求される場合といえよう。日本政府としては、かかる決定は、当然に個個の具体的ケースに基づき行なわれるべきものと考える。かりに、政府が、事前協議の際に考慮に入れるべきすべての要因(予測や定義{前1文字手書き}が困難なものを含む。)を検討せずに、一定の仮定の下に日本政府がとるべき態度につき対外的コミットメントを行なうとすれば、想定される事態に関する限り、交換公文により日本政府が留保している最終的判断の権利を放棄するに等しいので、これは、国会の承認を要する特別の取極なくしては行なえない。

(b) 他方、具体的ケースについての政府の諾否の最終的判断の権利が留保されていさえすれば、行政府が、特定の予想される事態に対する評価ないし認識を述べることは、行政府の有する正常な権限の範囲内の行為であり、国会承認を得べき特別の取極なくして行ないうることである。


(3) 韓国に関するステートメントは、日本政府の責任ある者が国会を通じる等適当な方式により日本国民に対して行なうことを予想したものであり、共同声明の一部をなすものとして起草されたものではない。韓国に対する武力攻撃の場合も、極東の諸国の安全に対する日本政府の認識に関する共同声明の部分に含まれており、ただ、朝鮮半島における緊張が続いているときに、韓国に対するpotential aggressorが、日本政府の態度を誤解することがないようにしておく必要があること及び一九六〇年の了解に実質的にとつて代わる公け{前1文字挿入(手書き)}の了解を両国間で遂げることが望ましいことから、別途の取り扱いをせんとするものである。韓国についての特記を共同声明に含めることは、極東の他の諸国の防衛のための米国のコミットメントが、韓国に対するものと比較してより弱いものであるかのごとき印象を共同声明を読む者に与え、これらの諸国と日米両国の外交関係に好ましくない影響を与えるおそれがあるのみならず、これら諸国の防衛に対する自由諸国側の意図を誤解せしめるおそれがあろう。

二 (米側ペーパーⅡ・Aに関し)


 しかしながら、後者のごとき場合において、米軍が日本から行なうsearch and rescueの行為自体は、日本からの戦闘作戦行動とは観念されず、また、事態が、両国共通の安全保障上の利益に影響を及ぼすような米国に対する武力攻撃と認められ、これに対処する自衛権発動としての米軍の行動が行なわれる場合には、事前協議のたてまえが維持される限り、日本政府が相互の利益に合致する立場をとるべきことは当然であろう。

三 (Ⅱ・Bに関し)


四 (Ⅱ・Cに関し)


五 (Ⅱ・Dに関し)

(1) 共同声明案第二項の表現の前提は、前記一(2)のとおりであり、事前協議の適正な運用が行なわれれば、極東の諸国の防衛のために不可欠な米軍の戦闘作戦行動のための日本国内の基地の使用が、事前協議制度があるがゆえに制約されるということはないというのが日本政府の見解である。また、安保条約第四条に基づく協議が緊密に行なわれるならば、事前協議も円滑に運用できると考える。

(2) なお、極東に所在する米軍は、極東の平和・安全の維持の重要なにない手であるがゆえに、そのsafetyは、日本政府にとつてnot a matter of small concernであることは論をまたないところであるが、安保条約第六条は、米軍による日本国の基地の使用目的を「日本国の安全に寄与し、並びに極東における国際の平和及び安全の維持に寄与するため」と定め、「極東に所在する米軍」という概念によるとらえ方をしておらず、日本政府としても従来からの国会答弁においてこのようなとらえ方による説明をいつさいしていない。いずれにせよ、日本政府が、特定の種類の戦闘作戦行動に対し、あらかじめ同意を与えることは法的に不可能である。

六 (Ⅱ・Eに関し)


七 (Ⅱ・Fに関し)



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極秘 無期限 6部の内 6号{前11文字スタンプ}

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Comments on U.S. Statement of Purposeof Nuclear Weapons

1. It is noted that the U.S. statement describes tactical nuclear weapons as constituting a credible deterrent in the Western Pacific.

2. The U.S. statement treats tactical nuclear weapons in the Western Pacific as deterrents against the U.S.S.R. and Communist China, without detailed reference to North Korea. Comments on this point are as follows:

(1) The significance of tactical nuclear weapons in the Western Pacific as a deterrent power vis-à-vis the Soviets, though understandable in the context of the world-wide nuclear balance, still seems to be different from that of tactical nuclear weapons stationed in Western Europe, and therefore not as meaningful.

(2) The threat from Communist China is at present mainly composed of (a) the very existence of a 700 million-strong nation possessed of nuclear offensive capabilities,(b) the unpredictability of its foreign policy, and (c) its posture of support for "peoples' liberation wars" in the nations on its periphery. Against this threat, tactical nuclear weapon in the Western Pacific would have a certain psychological deterrent effect; yet the significance of these weapons seems to lie in fact in the Chinese judgment of the role these have to play in the larger context of the future Sino-American nuclear relationship including strategic weapons.

3. The question remains whether the stationing of tactical nuclear weapons in post-reversion Okinawa is essential.

(1) Sine it is the U.S. which actually bears the burden of militarily maintaining the equilibrium of force in the Far East, it is not intended here to make any categorical assertions on this question from the military standpoint.

(2) The Japanese position concerning nuclear weapons vis-à-vis mainland Japan and post-reversion Okinawa is that it is fundamentally a political problem involving national emotions. A special and strong feeling against nuclear weapons has existed for a long time in Japan since the end of the war and remains predominant.

(3) Therefore, a solution recognizing the stationing of nuclear weapons, whether strategic or tactical, on post-reversion Okinawa is politically unacceptable for Japan.