"The World and Japan" Database (Project Leader: TANAKA Akihiko)
Database of Japanese Politics and International Relations
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS); Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia (IASA), The University of Tokyo


[Place] Tokyo
[Date] October 21, 2005
[Source] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
[Full text]

In February, the Kyoto Protocol entered into force. Following this historical milestone, this meeting had a particular importance to exchange views and opinions informally among participants, so as to gain an even stronger momentum to the successful discussions and outcomes at COP11 and COP/MOP1 in Montreal later this year.

Main thrusts summarised by the Co-chairs:

Perspectives of Long-term Emission Paths

-By taking respective national and regional conditions into account, the participants recognised the importance of setting long-term approaches to address Climate Change. In this context, the development of scientific tools (e.g. the state of the art modelling tools) was welcomed.

-Importance of further investment to mitigation and adaptation activities was also highlighted in response to the increasing extreme weather events. The participants shared the view that such investment should (1) be compatible with other issues of poverty eradication and economic development, (2) strike the balance of adaptation and mitigation by considering different life spans of the investment and their effects, and (3) open new market opportunities to private sectors. Participants generally agreed that economic analysis on mitigation and adaptation activities needed to be further emphasised.

-The participants emphasised that accelerating the engagement through building partnerships with private sector was a key to success. The same is valid in relation to public awareness on climate change issues, in order to gain the support of society towards actions needed to address climate change.

International Policy Discussions on Global Warming

-The participants stressed the overriding legitimacy of the UNFCCC process. Many participants agreed on the fact that 'initiative fatigue' should be avoided. On the other hand, however, a view was also shared that the UNFCCC framework can effectively be complemented by dialogues in other contexts. The participants recognised the important role of new initiatives (e.g. informal meetings and discussions at bilateral and regional level). Such new initiatives, which could be a valuable supplementary tool added onto the multilateral process, may yield a positive atmosphere and constructive exchange of dialogue.

Roles of Technologies; Transfer of Existing Technologies, Development of Innovative Technologies and Further Promotion of CDM

-The participants agreed that there were several barriers to transfer environmentally sound and locally appropriate technologies. There was a large expectation among the participants that such technology transfer and the CDM could be one of the main issues in discussing a future framework.

-Some participants expressed a view that the outcomes of the CDM still showed that it needs an urgent improvement. The participants generally shared a view that strengthening the CDM would be one of the priorities.

Addressing to Vulnerability of AI and NAI Countries; Integration of Adaptation into Development Policies

-The participants shared the common view that the adaptation measures should be emphasised in the UNFCCC process so that it should be integrated into the development policy. Many participants suggested that adaptation activities should not be isolated either in local, national or regional level.

-It was observed that the initiatives had been gradually in place and the amount of information was increasing, but this is still far from satisfactory. In this regard, cooperation should be established at appropriate levels by sharing experiences and information effectively.

-The debate also addressed that adaptation measures needed appropriate allocation of roles and finances among the stakeholders.

Strengthening Engagement in the International Climate Regime: Possible New Approaches to Mitigation/Adaptation and International Cooperation to Achieve Them

-Some participants stated that a clear message of the long-term prospect of the UNFCCC process should be disseminated in order to mobilize the private sectors.

-The participants generally shared a view that further actions should seek new ways of cooperation with a view to strengthening cohesion. To do that with success, a broad dialogue and open discussion should be necessary regardless of categories of countries (i.e. Annex I and non-Annex I), and such dialogue would have to be inclusive and based on the principle of effectiveness, feasibility, equity, efficiency, and on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities. In this context, a sense of solidarity was shared among the participants to scale up the degree of cooperation to the next level and to maintain the positive momentum going to Montreal and the future.

This summary was drafted under the responsibility of the co-chairs of the meeting, Mr. Mitsuyoshi Nishimura, Ambassador for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and Mr. Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado, Director General, Department of Environment and Special Affairs, Ministry of External Relations of Brazil.

The discussion took place on the understanding that the opinions expressed here did not necessarily reflect the positions of respective governments.