138Th Tobuken-ASNET Seminar “Wang Wei’s Collection of Wang Chuan and Southern Literary Traditions”

May 12 (Thu), 5:00-6:00 p.m.

Ground Floor, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo

Hong Zhang (Associate Professor, International School of Chinese Culture, Hunan Normal University )

Wang Wei’s Collection of Wang Chuan and Southern Literary Traditions

Yasushi Oki (Professor, IASA, The University of Tokyo)



Wang Wei’s Collection of Wang Chuan came out as a new kind of literary tradition, which was the result of conscious choice and deep integration of the previous generation’s literary tradition. In this collection, Wang Wei only preferred Zhuangzi among those pre-Qin thoughts which were the origin of Chinese culture. He preferred The Songs of Chu compared with The Book of Songs, both of which were the two literary origins. Between the poetry of Han and Wei Dynasties and poetry of Six Dynasties, he was fond of the latter, particularly the Yongming literature. Wang Wei’s literary and cultural selections showed that his poem heart carried on the southern literary tradition deeply which can be seen from his echo of Zhuangzi and Lisao, and the Six Dynasties’ poetry. This report aims to draw an outline of the connection between southern literature and Collection of Wang Chuan through textual research and the history of poetry, and discuss the reasons of this poet’s conscious choice and his back to southern literary traditions.