Research Faculty

KURODA Akinobu

KURODA Akinobu

Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia
Research theme: Economic History of East Asia

Research Topics

Kuroda’s studies cover comparative studies of monetary history on East Asia, India, Africa, and Europe, as well as specific studies of China’s monetary history.
The key notion in current study of his is the complementarity among monies. The historical evidence of coexisting monies suggests that a currency or a denomination of a certain origin and description is not necessarily a substitute for another, and that the acceptance of money is neither exclusively dependent on its intrinsic value nor on the formal backing of an issuing authority. Uncertain and unstable conditions for the conversion between various kinds of money indicate that the existence of multiple monies has significance greater than that embodied by the notion of currency substitution.
Along the line mentioned above he organised the session ‘Revisiting Money as a Unified Unit of Account from a Complementary Viewpoint’ in15th World Economic History Congress on 4th August, 2009, University of Utrecht and the session ‘Complementary Relationship among Monies in History’ in 14thInternational Economic History Congress on 24th August 2006, University of Helsinki.
He is now leading a project whose title is ‘International cooperative research on the complementarity among monies caused by temporality, seasonality, and locality in making transactions’ with a research fund by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
The Memoirs of Institute of Oriental Culture
and The Monograph Series of the Institute of Oriental Culture
are abbreviated in this section as MIOC and MSIOC.

Research activities

  • Kuroda, Akinobu. A Global History of Money: Routledge, 2020.4.
  • Akinobu, Kuroda. 貨幣制度的世界史ー解読”非対称性”. Translated by He Ping. Beijing: China Renmin University Press, 2007. (in Chinese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. 화폐시스템의세계사 ‘비대칭성’을읽는다. Translated by 鄭恵仲. Seoul: Nonhyung, 2005. (in Korean)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. Kahei shisutemu no sekai-shi: ‘hi-taisho-sei’ o yomu:World History of Money System: Reading ‘Assymetry’. Vol. 1 of The Sekai rekishi sensho. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2003. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. Chuka teikoku no kozo to sekai keizai:Structure of the Chinese Empire and the World Economy. Nagoya: Nagoya University Press, 1994. (in Japanese)
Articles and Book Chapters
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Monetary System.” Cambridge Economic History of China: Cambridge University Press, 2022: 560-596.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Another History of Money Viewed from Africa and Asia.” Monetary Transitions. Currencies, Colonialism and African Societies. Edited by Karin Pallaver: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021: 265-291.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Famine of Cash: Why Have Local Monies Remained Popular throughout Human History?” Monetary Plurality in Local, Regional and Global Economies. Edited by Georgina Gomez: Routledge, 2018: 114-122.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Strategic Peasant and Autonomous Local Market: Revisiting the Rural Economy in Modern China.”International Journal of Asian Studies 15, no. 2 2018.7: 195-227.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Silvers Cut, Weighed, and Booked: Silver Usage in Chinese Monetary History 銀子切片、秤重及記錄在冊——銀在中國錢幣史上的使用.” The Silver Age: Origins and Trade of Chinese Export Silver 白銀時代——中國外銷銀器之來歷與貿易: Hong Kong Maritime Museum, 2017: 109-121. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “歐亞白銀重探──錢幣學上的新發現.”澳門研究 87 2017.11: 150-160. (in Chinese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Why and How Did Silver Dominate across Eurasia Late-13th through Mid-14th Century? : Historical Backgrounds of the Silver Bars Unearthed from Orheiul Vechi.”Tyragetia 11, no. 26 2017.11: 23-34.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. ““Anonymous Currencies or Named Debts?: Comparison of Currencies, Local Credits and Units of Account between China, Japan and England in the Pre-industrial Era”.” Socio Economic Review. Vol. 11. no. 1: Oxford University Press, 2013: 57-80.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. ““What was Silver Tael System? : A Mistake of China as Silver ‘Standard’ Country”.” Moneta. Vol. 160: Belgium, 2013: 391-397.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Eurasian silver century, 1276-1359:commensurability and multiplicity.”Journal of Global History 4, no. 2 2009: 245-269.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “What is complementarity among monies?: An introductory note.” Financial History Review 15-1: Cambridge University Press, 2008: 7-15.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Concurrent but non-integrable currency circuits: complementary relationship among monies in modern China and other regions.” Financial History Reivew 15-1: Cambridge University Press, 2008: 17-36.
  • Akinobu, Kuroda. “Treatise on monetary economy from the viewpoint of Asian-African history.” 世界システムと東アジア:小経営・国内植民地・「植民地近代」. Edited by Imanishi Hajime. 東京: 日本経済評論社, 2008: 28-44. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Maria Theresa dollar in the early twentieth-century Red Sea region: a complementary interface between multiple markets.”Financial History Review, Cambridge, U.S.A.: Cambridge University Press for the European Association for Banking History 14, no. 1 2007: 89-110.
  • Akinobu, Kuroda. “東アジア貨幣史の中の中世後期日本.” 貨幣の地域史ー中世から近世へ. Edited by Suzuki Kimio. Tokyo: 岩波書店, 2007: 9-44. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Uncommon “Common Sense”; Introduction to the new series ‘Asian Monetary History Revisited’.”International Journal of Asian Studies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 4, no. 1 2007: 45-50.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Collapse of the Chinese Imperial Monetary System.” Japan, China and the Growth of the Asian International Economy, 1850-1949. Edited by Kaoru Sugihara. Oxford: Oxford U.P., 2005: 103-126.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Kahei no hi-taisho-sei, hokan-sei, risan-sei (doteki shisutemu no joho-ron 4 shigunaru dentatsu to komyunikeshon).”Bussei kenkyu, Kyoto: Bussei Kenkyu 84, no. 4 2005: 633-646. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Another Monetary Economy: The Case of Traditional China.” Asian Pacific Dynamism 1550-2000. Edited by A.J.H. Latham, and H. Kawakatsu. London: Routledge, 2000: 187-198.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “16,7 seiki Kan-Shina-kai keizai to senka ryutsu:The Pan-China-Sea Economy and Monetary Movement in the 16th and 17th Centuries.” Ekkyo suru kahei:Money beyond the Border. Edited by Rekishi-gaku Kenkyu-kai. Tokyo: Aoki Shoten, 1999. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Kahei ga kataru sho-shisutemu no kobo:Rise and Fall of Many Systems through Money.” Shonin to shijo: nettowaku no naka no kokka. Vol. 15, Iwanami Koza sekai rekishi:Courses World Hisoty. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1999. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Dento shijo no juso-sei to seido-teki wakugumi: Chugoku, Indo, Sei-O no hikaku:Traditional Markets and Institutions: A Comparison of China, India and Western Europe.”Shakai-keizai-shi-gaku:Socio-Economic History, Tokyo: Socio-Economic History Society 64, no. 2 1998: 115-138. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “20 seiki shoki Taigen-ken ni miru chiiki keizai no genki:The Determitation of Boundaries of Regional Economies in Traditional China: The Case of Taiyuan County in the Early Twentieth Century.”Toyo-shi kenkyu:The Journal of Oriental Researches, Kyoto: Society of Oriental Researches, Kyoto University 54, no. 4 1996: 103-136. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Shuhen’ kara mita kokusai kin-hon’i-sei no tokushitsu: Chugoku boeki o hikaku kijun to shite.” Higashi-Ajia shihon shugi no keisei: hikaku-shi no shiten kara. Edited by Satoru Nakamura. Tokyo: Aoki Shoten, 1994: 129-160. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Shin-dai ginsen nika-sei no kozo to sono hokai.”Shakai-keizai-shi-gaku:Socio-Economic History, Tokyo: Socio-Economic History Society 57, no. 2 1991: 93-125. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Chugoku kindai ni okeru menshi menka shijo no tokushitsu.”Rekishi-gaku kenkyu:Journal of historical studies, Tokyo: The Historical Science Society of Japan, no. 624 1991: 1-17. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. Shigaku zasshi:Historical Society of Japan, Tokyo: The Historical Society of Japan 100, no. 6 1991: 1138-1146. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Shin-dai bichiku-ko: shisan keitai yori mita keizai kozo-ron.”Shirin:The journal of history, Kyoto: The Society of Historical Research 71, no. 6 1988: 1-33. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Kenryu no senki.”Toyoshi kenkyu:The Journal of Oriental researches, Kyoto: Society of Oriental Researches, Kyoto University 45, no. 4 1987: 58-89. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “20 seiki shoki Yosi-ko chu-ka-ryuiki no kahei ryutsu.” Nihon ryoji hokoku no kenkyu. Edited by Sakae Tsunoyama. Tokyo: Dobunkan, 1986: 385-414. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Kenryoku-teki kaikaku no kozo to sono haikei: Shingai kakumei no keizai-shi-teki ichi.”Rekishi-gaku kenkyu:Journal of historical studies, Tokyo: The Historical Science Society of Japan 547 1985: 141-150. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Kindai Chugoku ni okeru kenryoku-teki kaikaku no sai-kento.”Rekishi hyoron, Tokyo: Azekura Shobo, no. 412 1984: 40-51. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Shimmatsu Kohoku-sho zaisei no bunken-teki tenkai: Shingai kakumei no zaisei-shi-teki zentei.”Shirin:The journal of history, Kyoto: The Society of Historical Research 66, no. 6 1983: 1-35. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Shimmatsu Kohoku-sho ni okeru heisei kaikaku: keizai sochi toshite no sho-kenryoku.”Toyo-shi kenkyu:The Journal of Oriental researches, Kyoto: Society of Oriental Researches, Kyoto University 41, no. 3 1982: 86-122. (in Japanese)
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. Toyo-shi kenkyu:The Journal of Oriental researches, Kyoto: Society of Oriental Researches, Kyoto University 40, no. 1 1981: 160-166. (in Japanese)
Book Reviews
  • Prakash, Om. “Bullion for Goods: European and Indian Merchants in the Indian Ocean Trade 1500-1800.”International Journal of South Asian Studies 2 (2009.3).
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. Review of The Big Problem of Small Change, by T.J.Sargent, and F.R.Velde. International Journal of Asian Studies, Cambridge: Cambridge UP 2, no. 1 (2004): 179-181.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Atomic Currencies for the Exchanges among Commoners.” Presented at the Session ‘Money of the Poor, money for the poor or money by the poor?’ Organized by Georgina Gomez and Patrice Baubeau, 19th World Economic History Congress, July 2022.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “A Paper Money Standard in the Fourteenth Century China,’ in Session ‘Paper Money in Practice and Theory in the World History -Millennium.” Presented at the Session ‘Paper Money in Practice and Theory in the World History -Millennium Memorial for Paper Money Initiation (Jiaozi, Sichuan, China)’ Organized by He Ping and Georges Depeyrot, 9th World Economic History Congress, July 2022.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Dynamics Assorting Exogeneous and Endogenous Monies through Imperial Chinese History,.” Presented at the Session ‘Complementarity between Exogenous Money and Endogenous Money in Global History,’ Organised by Akinobu Kuroda, 19th World Economic History Congress, July 2022.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “‘Modernity’ as a Product of Global Delocalization of Money.” Presented at the Early Modern Financial History Seminar, on line, April 19 2022. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Transformation of Silver Usage in Chinese Monetary History: Silvers Cut, Weighed, and Booked.” Presented at the Center of Chinese Studies, National Central Library, Taipei, October 2019.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “A Monetary Unification Neglecting the Ground Level: Myth of Unified Money in 1935 China.” Presented at the Workshop “The Money of the Poor”, Université Paris Nanterre, July 2019.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Bad Money Does Not Drive Out Good Money: Complementarity among Monies in Global History.” Presented at the School of Historical Studies Colloquial, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, February 2019.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Another Monetary Economy: A History of Chinese Currencies.” Presented at the East Asian Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (invited lecture), October 15 2018.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Strategic Peasants, Multiple Markets, and Complementary Currencies.” Presented at the 18th World Economic History Congress, Session ‘The Variety of Exchange and the Character of Money’, MIT, Boston, August 2 2018.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Official Paper Money vs Local Native Notes in Modern China: Incompatible Private Paper Money Dominating Rural Markets.” Presented at the 18th World Economic History Congress, Session ’Critical Moments in the Development of Modern Monetary Systems: Crises, Money Doctors, and Reforms’, MIT, Boston, August 1 2018.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Strategic Peasants, Multiple Markets, and Complementary Currencies.” Presented at the Workshop “The Variety of Exchange and the Character of Money”, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, May 18 2018.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Another Monetary Economy: A History of Chinese Currencies.” Presented at the The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong (invited lecture), February 23 2018.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “A Unification of Currency Spurred Markets More Stratified: 1935 China under Paper Money Standard.” Presented at the Workshop “Governing Monetary Cooperation: A Historical Approach”, Palloti Hous, Vienna, October 12 2017.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “A Global Monetary History of Mongol Eurasia: A Mezoscopic Perspective.” Presented at the Workshop “Regions, Networks, and Institutions in Mongol Eurasia: A Meso-Historical Analysis”, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (keynote,invited lecture), May 17 2017.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Revisiting the Eurasian Silver Century with New Numismatics Findings.” Presented at the 中国歴史上的白銀問題国際学術研討会, The Macao Science Center (invited lecture), April 27 2017.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Variety of Exchange and the Character of Money.” Presented at the Workshop The Variety of Exchange and the Character of Money, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, November 17 2016.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Why and How Did Silver Dominate across Eurasia Late-13th through Mid-14th Century? : Historical Backgrounds of the Silver Bars Unearthed from Orheiul Vechi.” Presented at the AL XVI-LEA SIMPOZION DE NUMISMATICĂ, National History Museum of Moldavia, Chisinau (invited lecture), September 22 2016.
  • KURODA, Akinobu. “The Character of Money: Beyond the Trinity of Monetary Functions.” Presented at the 17th World Economic History Congress, Session ‘The Quality of Money, Kyoto International Conference Hall.
  • KURODA, Akinobu. “Local Paper Monies Ubiquitous Across Early 20th Century China.” Presented at the 17th World Economic History Congress, Session ‘Free Banking Systems’, Kyoto International Conference Hall, August 5 2015.
  • KURODA, Akinobu. “Between Money and Material: Old Chinese Bronze Coins Dominated Medieval Japan.” Presented at the International Conference ‘Currencies of Commerce in the Greater Indian Ocean World, McGill University, April 25 2015.
  • KURODA, Akinobu. “Dominance of ‘Old’ Chinese Coins in Medieval Japan: The Self-Organization of Money.” Presented at the Harvard Yenching Institute Seminar, Harvard Yenching Institute, April 14 2015.
  • KURODA, Akinobu. “Re-Construct Global Monetary Historiography to Reconsider What Money Is.” Presented at the Princeton East Asian Studies Program, Princeton U, March 12 2015.
  • KURODDA, Akinobu. “The Characters of Market: Comparison between China and Japan in Preindustrial Era.” Presented at the Workshop “Revisit Markets and Institutions in Early Modern East Asia: Beyond Exceptionalism and Generalisation”, Harvar Yenching Institute, March 6 2015.
  • KURODA, Akinobu. “Monetary Theory, Monetary History, and Global History.” Presented at the Workshop “Is Global History Truly Global? : Positionality of Historians”, Humboldt U, December 4 2014.
  • KURODA, Akinobu. “The Character of Money: Why Cannot Currency be Unified.” Presented at the Economic History Seminar, U of Pennsylvania, U of Pennsylvania, October 23 2014.
  • KURODA, Akinobu. “The Character of Money: A Sketch for a Global History from Complimentary Currencies.” Presented at the Economic History Seminar, U of Utrecht, U of Utrecht, October 13 2014.
  • KURODA, Akinobu. “The Character of Money: Differentiation Ubiquitous in History.” Presented at the The Money Talks Symposium, Yale U, September 12 2014.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Actual Monetary Usages in 19th Century China: Some Reflections from Account Books.” Presented at the Coin of the Realm: Money and Meaning in Late Imperial China, Harvard University, April 18 2014. [Link]
  • KURODA, Akinobu. “Actual Monetary Usages in 19th Century China: Some Reflections from Account Books.” Presented at the International Conference ‘Coin of the Realm: Money and Meaning in Late Imperial China’, Harvard U, April 18 2014.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Quality of Money: Reflections from Global History.” Presented at the The Quality of Money, École Normale Supérieure, Jourdan, Paris, December 6 2013.
  • KURODA, Akinobu. “The Quality of Money: Reflections from Global History.” Presented at the International Workshop ‘The Quality of Money’, École Normale Supérieure, Jourdan, Paris, December 6 2013.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “”FAMINES of CASH”: Locality of Money Ubiquitous through Human History.” Presented at the 2nd International Conference for Complementary Currency System, International Institute of Social Sciences, The Hague, June 20 2013. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “”FAMINES of CASH”: Locality of Money Ubiquitous through Human History.” Presented at the 2nd International Conference for Complementary Currency System, IISS, The Hague, June 20 2013. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “What was Silver Tael System? : A Mistake of China as Silver ‘Standard’ Country.” Presented at the International Workshop: Transfer of Precious Metals and their Consequences, Museo del Traje, Madrid, May 17 2013.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Chinese copper cash system: two millenniums consistency incorporating illegal coinages and local denominations.” Presented at the International Workshop: Small change: bronze/copper coins from Antiquity to 19th c., École Normale Supérieure, Paris, May 13 2013.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Currency unable to unify: A history of complementary monies.” Presented at the “Unicity and Plurality of Money”, Veblen Institute, The Fondation Charles-Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l’homme, Paris, March 29 2013.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Locality with Money in History.” Presented at the Economic History Seminar, EHESS, EHESS, Paris, March 25 2013.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Age of Foreign Silver Dollars.” Presented at the La Dépréciation de l’Argent Monétaire et les Relations Internationales, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Complementarity among monies in Chinese, Japanese and global history’, Is money substitutive or complementary? East Asian monetary history in global perspective.” Presented at the Revisiting East Asian Economic History from a Global Perspective, Yale, September 29 2012.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Peasant economy and multiplicity of market in China’ Beyond Smithian Growth.” Presented at the Revisiting the Economic History of Early Modern Japan and China, Revisiting East Asian Economic History from a Global Perspective, Yale, September 28 2012.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Paper Money Standard in 1935 China: Unification on the Top and Diversification on the Ground.” Presented at the 16th World Economic History Congress Session ‘Monies Anonymous but Multiple: A Reason Why No Single Currency Ruled, U of Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 10 2012.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “What Caused Chinese Copper Coins to Circulate in Medieval Japan? : Affluent Song Coins outside the Chinese Empire.” Presented at the 16th World Economic History Congress Session ‘The Path to modernization: the history and thought of Chinese money and finance’, U of Stellenbosch, South Africa, July 9 2012.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Locality and Global Monetary History from Mezzoscopic Viewpoint.” Presented at the U of Tokyo Forum, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, October 20 2011.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Unfixed Money: Revisiting Global Monetary History from Mezzoscopic Viewpoint.” Presented at the International Conference the DFG Research Group ‘Monies, Markets and Finance in China and East Asia 1600-1900’, U of Tübingen, October 5 2011.
  • Kuroda, Akino bu. “Locate the Tokugawa Japan in the East Asian and Global Monetary History.” Presented at the East Asian Sistory Seminar, U of Ruhr,.Bochum, June 9 2011.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “‘Currency Finite to Supply and Unit of Account Infinite to Book: A Missing Point in the Study on Money.” Presented at the Workshop VI.2 of the DFG Research Group ‘Monies, Markets and Finance in China and East Asia 1600-1900’, U of Tübingen., May 6 2011.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Multiple monies in Asia and Africa.” Presented at the African Economic History Workshop, Graduate Institute Geneve, May 2 2011.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Locating medieval Japan in East Asian monetary history.” Presented at the Les monnaies médiévales japonaises et l’Asie orientale, EHESS, Paris, December 16 2010. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Monies for ordinary people in history: neither precious nor national.” Presented at the WORKSHOP Discussing Money Matters: A workshop around Akinobu Kuroda’s questions and answers, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, December 10 2010. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Global monetary history from non teleological viewpoint.” Presented at the WORKSHOP Discussing Money Matters: A workshop around Akinobu Kuroda’s questions and answers, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, December 10 2010. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Temporality, seasonality, and locality with monetary transactions in traditional China and other societies.” Presented at the WORKSHOP Temporality, Seasonality, and Locality Mattered Making Transactions: Why No Single Currency Ruled in History?, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, December 7 2010.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Currencies, monetary accounts, and local credits in China, Japan and England in preindustrial periods.” Presented at the WORKSHOP Money as Social Circuit: Anonymous Currency and/or Named Credit, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, December 6 2010.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Paper Monies before Bank in China and Japan.” Presented at the WORKSHOP: The Origin of Paper Money in Theory and Practice, City University of London., April 8 2010.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Song Coins and Spanish Dollars: Taiwan in the Global Monetary History.” Presented at the International conference Taiwan and Maritime Asia, National U of Taiwan, December 9 2009.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Seasonality, Paper Monies, and Peasant Economy: An Asian Perspective of the International Gold Standard System.” Presented at the SESSION P8 ‘Monetary Policy in the Peripheries under the Gold Dtandard’, 15th World Economic History Congress, U of Utrecht, August 6 2009. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Silvers Valued by Silver: How did the Silver Tael System in China Really Work?” Presented at the SESSION P3 ‘Money as Commodity’, 15th World Economic History Congress,, U of Utrecht, August 4 2009. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Anonymous Currencies or Named Debts: Comparison of Currencies, Local Credits and Monetary Accounts between China, Japan, and England in Early Modern Period.” Presented at the SESSION P4 ‘Revisiting Money as A Unified Unit of Account from a Complementary Viewpoint’, 15th World Economic History Congress, U of Utrecht, August 4 2009. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Eurasian Silver Century 1276-1359: Commensurability and Multiplicity.” Presented at the International conference Confluence: Exchanges in the Making of Asia, 22th May 2009, National Palace Museum, Taipei, May 22 2009.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Eurasian Silver Century (1276 -1359): Commensurability and Multiplicity.” Presented at the World History Center Seminar, University of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh, April 19 2009.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Paper Monies in Pre-modern China and Japan: A Comparative Study.” Presented at the International Conference: Paper Money in Theory and Practice in History, Columbia Univ, April 19 2009.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Eurasian Silver Century (1276 -1359): Commensurability and Multiplicity.” Presented at the Department of History Seminar, Beijing University, Beijing University, March 28 2009.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Make Chinese Paper Monies Speak Own History: A Historical Perspective of the Paper Money Standard in 1935.” Presented at the 6th Chinese Business History Forum, Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, January 16 2009.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Paper Monies in East Asia.” Presented at the December Conference in International Monetary History, EHESS, Paris, December 4 2008.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Currencies, Local Credits and Monetary Accounts: Comparison between China, Japan, and England in Early Modern Period.” Presented at the December Conference in International Monetary History, Monnaie de Paris, December 3 2008.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Eurasian Silver Century (1276-1359): Confluent Currencies.” Presented at the International conference of Chinese Socio-economic History commemorating centennial birth of Prof Liang Fangzhong, Zhongshan U, Guangzhou, November 21 2008.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Currencies Fragmental Enough to be Independent from Monetary Units: An Asian-African Perspective.” Presented at the Monies, Markets, and Finance in China and East Asia, 1600-1900: Why Small Currencies Matter, U of Tübingen, October 1 2008.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Emancipating Chinese Monetary History from Aristotelian Postulates.” Presented at the Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting Session 142 ‘Chinese Monetary History and the Perils of Conventional Monetary Theory’, Hyatt Regency Atlanta., April 2008.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Multiple Monies: A Comparative History of Currency Circuits in China, Japan, Bengal, and the Red Sea Region, 1700-1900.” Presented at the UC Santa Cruz Seminar, UC Santa Cruz, April 2008.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Currency Circuits Concurrent but Non-integrable: Complementary Relationship among Monies in Modern China and other Regions.” Presented at the Seminar with Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong., Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong., March 4 2008.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Currency Circuits Concurrent but Non-integrable: Complementary Relationship among Monies in Modern China and other Regions.” Presented at the Seminar at Institut des Sciences de l’Homme, Lyon, Institut des Sciences de l’Homme, Lyon, December 12 2007.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Order and Changes behind the Chaos: A Monetary History of Late Qing-Republican China.” Presented at the Seminar at Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises du Collège de France, Paris, Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises du Collège de France, Paris, December 7 2007.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Locating Chinese Monetary History in Global and Theoretical Contexts: From Multiple and Complementary Viewpoints.” Presented at the International conference Keynote and Variations: China from 7th century to 20th century, Chengchi Univ. Taipei, September 5 2007.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “A Complementary Interface between Multiple Markets: The Maria Theresa Dollar in the Red Sea Region in Comparison with Foreign Silver Dollars in China’, ‘Money in Africa.” Presented at the Money in Africa’, an international and interdisciplinary conference, British Museum, London, March 7 2007.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “What is Complementarity among Monies? An Introduction with Asian Instances.” Presented at the Workshop ‘Complementary Relationship among Monies in History’, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, December 6 2006.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “A Comparison of Early Modern Monetary Systems between China, Korea and Japan: Formal or Flexible, Unified or Multiple, and Endogenous or Exogenous?” Presented at the “Monies, Markets, and Finance in China and East Asia, 1600-1900: Local, Regional, National, and International Dimensions”, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg., October 13 2006.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Too Commercialised to Synchronize Currencies: Monetary Peasant Economy in Late Imperial China in Comparison with Contemporary Japan.” Presented at the Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Economic History Congress,, Helsinki, August 24 2006. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Complementarity non-integral among monies in history: nature of currency as viscous, non-uniform, and separable stream.” Presented at the Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Economic History Congress, Helsinki, August 24 2006. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Complementarity Non-integral among Monies in History: Nature of Currency as Viscous, Non-uniform, and Separable stream.” Presented at the Seminar at EHESS, Paris, EHESS, Paris, January 18 2006.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Complementarity Non-integral among Monies in History: Nature of Currency as Viscous, Non-uniform, and Separable Stream.” Presented at the Workshop ‘Complementary Relationship among Monies in History’, Stern School of Business, New York University, December 17 2005.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Complementarity among Monies from Asian Historical Viewpoints: Nature of Currency as Viscous, Non-Uniform, and Separable Stream.” Presented at the International Conference ‘What Makes Money?: Projects of Complementary Currencies in Past and Present’, Bocconi University, Milan, November 21 2005.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “The Collapse of the Fujian Trade Connection: What Caused Early Modern Japan to Adopt the Rice-base Tax System?” Presented at the International Convention of Asian Scholars 4, Shanghai Exhibition Centre, August 24 2005.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Maria Theresa Dollar in Early 20th Century Red Sea Region: Indispensable Interface in Multiple Markets.” Presented at the European Conference of African Studies, Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies, London, School of Oriental and African Studies, July 2 2005.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Can Monies Tell Us What the Early Modern World Is?” Presented at the International Conference on the Early Modern World, University of Chicago, June 3 2005.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Comparative Study of Early Modern Monetary History between China, Japan and India: From the Viewpoints of the Multiplicity of Markets and Complementary Relationship among monies.” Presented at the CNRS=U Tokyo Forum, CNRS, Paris, March 10 2005.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Local Currency versus Legal Tender: The Historical Origins of Monetary Complexity in Modern China.” Presented at the International Symposium “Financial Change and Entrepreneurial Culture in Modern China”, Academia Sinica, December 16 2004.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “A History of the Chinese Empire and the World Economy: Monetary Perspective.” Presented at the International Conference on Chinese History in Multi-Perspectives, Qinghua University, Beijing, August 24 2004.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Traditional Markets and Multiple Circulations of Currencies: A Comparison between Africa and China.” Presented at the Seminar on the Economic History of Africa, Asia and Latin America, London School of Economics, London School of Economics, June 29 2004.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Money and Local Markets in Early Modern Period: Comparison between China, India and Japan.” Presented at the Joint HEDG-EAEPE Workshop, London School of Economics, July 3 2003.
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Seasonal Fluctuation, Multi-layered Market and Monetary Diversity : How to Make or not to Make a Single Domestic Currency.” Presented at the Proceedings of the 13th International Economic Historian Congress, for Session 22, Benos Aires, July 26 2002. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Concurrent Currencies in History : Comparison of Traditional Monetary Systems between India and China.” Presented at the Proceedings of the 13th International Economic Historian Congress, for Session 15 “Global Monies and Price Histories, 16th-18th Centuries”, Buenos Aires, July 22 2002. [Link]
  • Kuroda, Akinobu. “Another Monetary Economy: The Case of Traditional China.” Presented at the 12th International Economic History Congress Session ‘Asia Pacific Dynamics 1550-2000’, Madrid, August 27 1998.


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